How to Get Degree & Migration Certificate
How to Get Degree:
Documents required for migration certificate :
2) Demand Draft of Rs.500/- drawn in favour of ‘IGNOU’ and payable at Aligarh. Learner's can also made online payment (Click here). If you are making online payment, then attach copy of payment proof alongwith application form.
3) Self attested copy of marksheet.
4) Original IGNOU ID Card or self attested copy of Aadhar Card.
If any learner wants migration certificate by post then sent all documents at the following address :
The Regional Director
IGNOU Regional Centre Aligarh
Sri Tika Ram Kanya Mahavidyalya,
Ramghat Road, Aligarh-202001 (UP)
MOBILE NO. 8869829838
Note :
In case of by hand delivery, migration certificate will only be handed over to learner concerned only. It will not be handed over to any relative/friends at any circumstances. Before submitting application, please ensure you are a student of Regional Centre, Noida.